And the whole thing has been made much worse by goveenment corruption. The representatives accepted big pharmas cash and forced the people to take these genetic modifications. This has meant sorting the problem out much more difficult and dangerous politically.
I find the issue of shedding causing death to 3rd parties regardless of state of health a rather compelling argument to have NEVER authorized these spike mRNA shots for use in humans or animals []. The fact that at least in England during the first 17 months, the most common cause of excess deaths was putatively shedding, provides an estimate of how potently dangerous these clotshots are.
What I want to know is who is trying to stop this? I hear of no attempts to get congress or the senate to write any bills & try to get them passed. I see no lawsuits trying to stop MRNA technology. They’ve already started using this technology on our livestock & other food sources. Why is this being allowed? Now it’s in our food supply & any animals they sire. Why did this suddenly come on line at the same time as the jab? There are private ranchers refusing to use mRNA vaccines & you can use their subscription services. But only if you can afford it. What about lower income & those that are having a hard time making ends meet with this inflation? They don’t have the luxury to purchase their product. Add to the fact that the Blob is trying to run the small farms & ranches out of business with over regulation & excess fees. I want to here more about this
When your head stops spinning after the first YY1 sidebar, note that the complexes are shown in free space. Your November post on Zeta potential adds another layer of complexity with the spike altering that interaction in the intact cellular environment.
The Covid 19 virus has never been isolated except with a computer model. Maybe Covid is a computer virus. If there was no virus there is no spike protein. The mRNA that is being touted is highly questionable. Remember we were told early on the mRNA in the vax had to be kept at extremely low temperatures due to its instability. That didn't last long. The "Health Freedom Movement" have always talked about the virus, spike protein and now mRNA. But they never want to talk about what is in the live blood dark field analysis or what has been shown to be in the vax vials. La Quinta Columna showed no nitrogen in the vax vials but did have graphene. No nitrogen no DNA/RNA. I think the damage these shots are doing are much more technological.
And aluminum. And nano bots. And mercury. And parasites. Im positive they have paraiste eggs in them. But I'd be glad to be proven wrong. In any case. We'll take a healthy dose of Ivermectin rest of our lives. And Fenben or Menben. 3 x a week. Ive noticed a lot of successes Dr.Makis is having with it. Stories on his substack.
Hmmm, yet another paywall, preventing the very people suffering from this atrocity to interact with anyone knowledgeable other than the culprits! Great job people! I find it just as reprehensible to exclude anyone from the information that may well enable them to save their own lives, if only the corrupt medical and the supposed other medical who I'm hearing a lot about how they've been against it from the outset, yet hear we are still thousands of professionals sitting around with their proverbial thumbs up the backsides still simply discussing..."Gee, wally, why in the world haven't we heard a thing about this in over four years, seems highly unlikely something like this could elude so many professionals in their own profession for so long, when I myself knew nothing and late 2021 couldn't avoid the outrage at every turn on social media and where I began my study and learning years ago! Something is seriously shady, Wally, and that's a real shame, all these people, even now below, still tossing doubts and derision about like empty candy wrappers on the ground, Wally It's just incomprehensible the lack of empathy and concern for their fellow man. It must be some kinda bonuses they're getting, and it's pretty well known that Pfizer alone made TRILLIONS exterminating the poor and powerless worldwide! Well, just goes to show you, the more arrogance and attitude, the less you can trust em, isn't that right, Wally?"
"Gee, I don't know, Beave, you might want to be careful saying all that stuff right here in front of em all! They are rich and powerful and well connected, ya know? I mean they just got away with murdering massive numbers of their own countrymen, I imagine they would kill just about anybody now to protect their guilty pleas being read at sentencing in a court of law, or better yet in the Hague and then hung from their necks until their dead, ya know what I'm saying, Beave? C'mon, let's get out of here, you didn't think they were going to help you out in any kind of way that didn't wind up with you on the death roles, too, did ya, Beave?
Well, golly gee willikers, Wally, now that you put it like that, yeah, lets get out of here, before Doctor Death comes after us, Wally!"
"Yeah, but ya know, Beaver, Eddie Haskel knows what to do, he told me he was arranging it already, Beave! We need to hurry up and get on over there, Beave, you know Eddie, he always knows what to do in these situations. Ever since he joined the US Marines and graduated 1st in his class at the Navy Seal School and then was gone for four years, he's been a little distant and moody every time I drop by to check on him, Beave. Let's go over there to his place and see how he's doing, okay? Besides, he told me last time I dropped by that he'd have some sort of clone or or bone or stone to show me, what he said would help us out a bunch! I can't remember the word he used, because it was really weird an he got this look in his eyes when he was telling me about it... Said it could solve any problem below 10,000 and handle multiple issues all at the same time and bounce bogeys one per second up to a thousand, ha!
"Wally I don't know what any of that means, but it sounds like he does, lets get out of here, okay, I'm starting to get scared, Wally! These people killed other people and they're just sitting around talking about it like it wasn't the worst thing you could do! Wally, please, I'm getting a bad feeling, let's go now, okay?"
"Oh geeze, Beave, I'm real sorry, yeah, let's get going little brother, Mom and Dad are gonna want to hear about all this, too... Oh, yeah, Beave, it was a D R O N E ! That's what he called it! Said they go missing from time to time, but that this one wouldn't ever be missed, Eddie and his buddies brought it back piece by piece after it got de-commed or something that means they think it's gone anyway, so nobody is ever gonna look for it, isn't that great, Beave, we might be able to get some help after all! Mom and Dad are gonna be real pleased with us, Beave! I love them both so much, and you, too, Beave! When it comes right down to it, family is all you have, Beave! Remember, dad says that family is always just family, but those who would gladly die for you, Beave!"
"You know it, Wally, and Mom is always saying telling me it can also be someone who would kill for you, too, Wally! Isn't that something, Wally? I'll bet Eddie would kill for us, Wally, and he's a Navy Seal and knows all sorts of ways to kill people, isn't that just lucky ducky for us, Wally? Oh, and we can't forget mom and dad, too!
"You know it little brother, now c'mon, Beave, let's go find out how Eddie is going to kill all these bad people for you and me and mom and dad! We are lucky to be Americans, too, Beave, cause that means we are all protected by divine right! It means it don't matter if we all die, cause we get to come back, anyway, as many times as we want to, Beave! Isn't that just something, Beave? Okay, let's go I am so curious how all these really bad people are gonna die, hahaha, let's go, Beave!"
"To infinity and Beyond, Wally! Dad says that's what the alien man tells him before he kills lots of bad people on his world! I think we should tell dad to ask the alien man to come here and help out, too! There is a lot of really bad people on this planet now, Wally!"
"Don't worry, Beave, Eddie said between him and his eye in the sky, none of these bad guys can get away, and you know Eddie, Beave, he never lies, says it's a character flaw of lairs and traitors only!"
essays like these should have sources baked in like any scientific article. While it all may be true, a few things dont make sense. For example: how is it possible for the cells to uptake the spike mrna, reverse transcribe, insert into DNA, and permanently secrete the spike protein, and the host not be in a constantly ill state? If that were true there would always be spike protein in the body, meaning the immune system would keep you permanently feeling ill.. this essay/report seems wholly unscientific from someone using the proper jargon to appear knowledgeable
Canadian government corruption is well documented in the eye-opening book, “FISMAN’S FRAUD:The Rise of Canadian Hate Science.” by R.N Watteel , PhD Statistics. As per usual in this country, this information was swept under the rug and too many people still look upon the socialist health authority as the all-knowing god!
Fortunately my late husband passed all this harmful knowledge onto us in 2020 and we were able to avoid the so-called vaccine, even though we the unvaccinated were blamed for the spread of the virus; all the facts that are mentioned in this book.
It might be time to acknowledge the people who have already put this information together years ago?
Nice to see Pfizer's preferred "adjuvant" Endotoxin in one of the large charts.
Qu Biologics want to create a state of continuous inflammation by jabbing with dead bacteria every second day for a year or more.
And the whole thing has been made much worse by goveenment corruption. The representatives accepted big pharmas cash and forced the people to take these genetic modifications. This has meant sorting the problem out much more difficult and dangerous politically.
I find the issue of shedding causing death to 3rd parties regardless of state of health a rather compelling argument to have NEVER authorized these spike mRNA shots for use in humans or animals []. The fact that at least in England during the first 17 months, the most common cause of excess deaths was putatively shedding, provides an estimate of how potently dangerous these clotshots are.
What I want to know is who is trying to stop this? I hear of no attempts to get congress or the senate to write any bills & try to get them passed. I see no lawsuits trying to stop MRNA technology. They’ve already started using this technology on our livestock & other food sources. Why is this being allowed? Now it’s in our food supply & any animals they sire. Why did this suddenly come on line at the same time as the jab? There are private ranchers refusing to use mRNA vaccines & you can use their subscription services. But only if you can afford it. What about lower income & those that are having a hard time making ends meet with this inflation? They don’t have the luxury to purchase their product. Add to the fact that the Blob is trying to run the small farms & ranches out of business with over regulation & excess fees. I want to here more about this
Destroying our health by using the population as Guinea pigs.
Before mRNA and spike protein, the platform, the lipids were causing the same issues....
In the last link, they got myocarditis without mRNA or spike. It's the lipids and other platform crap.
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When your head stops spinning after the first YY1 sidebar, note that the complexes are shown in free space. Your November post on Zeta potential adds another layer of complexity with the spike altering that interaction in the intact cellular environment.
The Covid 19 virus has never been isolated except with a computer model. Maybe Covid is a computer virus. If there was no virus there is no spike protein. The mRNA that is being touted is highly questionable. Remember we were told early on the mRNA in the vax had to be kept at extremely low temperatures due to its instability. That didn't last long. The "Health Freedom Movement" have always talked about the virus, spike protein and now mRNA. But they never want to talk about what is in the live blood dark field analysis or what has been shown to be in the vax vials. La Quinta Columna showed no nitrogen in the vax vials but did have graphene. No nitrogen no DNA/RNA. I think the damage these shots are doing are much more technological.
And aluminum. And nano bots. And mercury. And parasites. Im positive they have paraiste eggs in them. But I'd be glad to be proven wrong. In any case. We'll take a healthy dose of Ivermectin rest of our lives. And Fenben or Menben. 3 x a week. Ive noticed a lot of successes Dr.Makis is having with it. Stories on his substack.
Hmmm, yet another paywall, preventing the very people suffering from this atrocity to interact with anyone knowledgeable other than the culprits! Great job people! I find it just as reprehensible to exclude anyone from the information that may well enable them to save their own lives, if only the corrupt medical and the supposed other medical who I'm hearing a lot about how they've been against it from the outset, yet hear we are still thousands of professionals sitting around with their proverbial thumbs up the backsides still simply discussing..."Gee, wally, why in the world haven't we heard a thing about this in over four years, seems highly unlikely something like this could elude so many professionals in their own profession for so long, when I myself knew nothing and late 2021 couldn't avoid the outrage at every turn on social media and where I began my study and learning years ago! Something is seriously shady, Wally, and that's a real shame, all these people, even now below, still tossing doubts and derision about like empty candy wrappers on the ground, Wally It's just incomprehensible the lack of empathy and concern for their fellow man. It must be some kinda bonuses they're getting, and it's pretty well known that Pfizer alone made TRILLIONS exterminating the poor and powerless worldwide! Well, just goes to show you, the more arrogance and attitude, the less you can trust em, isn't that right, Wally?"
"Gee, I don't know, Beave, you might want to be careful saying all that stuff right here in front of em all! They are rich and powerful and well connected, ya know? I mean they just got away with murdering massive numbers of their own countrymen, I imagine they would kill just about anybody now to protect their guilty pleas being read at sentencing in a court of law, or better yet in the Hague and then hung from their necks until their dead, ya know what I'm saying, Beave? C'mon, let's get out of here, you didn't think they were going to help you out in any kind of way that didn't wind up with you on the death roles, too, did ya, Beave?
Well, golly gee willikers, Wally, now that you put it like that, yeah, lets get out of here, before Doctor Death comes after us, Wally!"
"Yeah, but ya know, Beaver, Eddie Haskel knows what to do, he told me he was arranging it already, Beave! We need to hurry up and get on over there, Beave, you know Eddie, he always knows what to do in these situations. Ever since he joined the US Marines and graduated 1st in his class at the Navy Seal School and then was gone for four years, he's been a little distant and moody every time I drop by to check on him, Beave. Let's go over there to his place and see how he's doing, okay? Besides, he told me last time I dropped by that he'd have some sort of clone or or bone or stone to show me, what he said would help us out a bunch! I can't remember the word he used, because it was really weird an he got this look in his eyes when he was telling me about it... Said it could solve any problem below 10,000 and handle multiple issues all at the same time and bounce bogeys one per second up to a thousand, ha!
"Wally I don't know what any of that means, but it sounds like he does, lets get out of here, okay, I'm starting to get scared, Wally! These people killed other people and they're just sitting around talking about it like it wasn't the worst thing you could do! Wally, please, I'm getting a bad feeling, let's go now, okay?"
"Oh geeze, Beave, I'm real sorry, yeah, let's get going little brother, Mom and Dad are gonna want to hear about all this, too... Oh, yeah, Beave, it was a D R O N E ! That's what he called it! Said they go missing from time to time, but that this one wouldn't ever be missed, Eddie and his buddies brought it back piece by piece after it got de-commed or something that means they think it's gone anyway, so nobody is ever gonna look for it, isn't that great, Beave, we might be able to get some help after all! Mom and Dad are gonna be real pleased with us, Beave! I love them both so much, and you, too, Beave! When it comes right down to it, family is all you have, Beave! Remember, dad says that family is always just family, but those who would gladly die for you, Beave!"
"You know it, Wally, and Mom is always saying telling me it can also be someone who would kill for you, too, Wally! Isn't that something, Wally? I'll bet Eddie would kill for us, Wally, and he's a Navy Seal and knows all sorts of ways to kill people, isn't that just lucky ducky for us, Wally? Oh, and we can't forget mom and dad, too!
"You know it little brother, now c'mon, Beave, let's go find out how Eddie is going to kill all these bad people for you and me and mom and dad! We are lucky to be Americans, too, Beave, cause that means we are all protected by divine right! It means it don't matter if we all die, cause we get to come back, anyway, as many times as we want to, Beave! Isn't that just something, Beave? Okay, let's go I am so curious how all these really bad people are gonna die, hahaha, let's go, Beave!"
"To infinity and Beyond, Wally! Dad says that's what the alien man tells him before he kills lots of bad people on his world! I think we should tell dad to ask the alien man to come here and help out, too! There is a lot of really bad people on this planet now, Wally!"
"Don't worry, Beave, Eddie said between him and his eye in the sky, none of these bad guys can get away, and you know Eddie, Beave, he never lies, says it's a character flaw of lairs and traitors only!"
essays like these should have sources baked in like any scientific article. While it all may be true, a few things dont make sense. For example: how is it possible for the cells to uptake the spike mrna, reverse transcribe, insert into DNA, and permanently secrete the spike protein, and the host not be in a constantly ill state? If that were true there would always be spike protein in the body, meaning the immune system would keep you permanently feeling ill.. this essay/report seems wholly unscientific from someone using the proper jargon to appear knowledgeable
Canadian government corruption is well documented in the eye-opening book, “FISMAN’S FRAUD:The Rise of Canadian Hate Science.” by R.N Watteel , PhD Statistics. As per usual in this country, this information was swept under the rug and too many people still look upon the socialist health authority as the all-knowing god!
Fortunately my late husband passed all this harmful knowledge onto us in 2020 and we were able to avoid the so-called vaccine, even though we the unvaccinated were blamed for the spread of the virus; all the facts that are mentioned in this book.
Help the poor lay disaffected and microbiologically illiterate!