Cost to the patient?

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We will keep you updated on the development and the cost.

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excuse me, Mr. Catanzaro, are you guys researching about astra zeneca also? what can we do if we took that one, I don't know if you saw my message, I took 3 of thouse unfortunatley, is there a way to contact, anyone who could help me and know what to do?

I've been sick since last year, I got irritable bowel syndrome, and a few months later I got some weird palpitation on my heart and scramps arround my heart and my whole body, also I'm feeling some paint in my joints, could all these just be because of stress or the vaxcines? Whad should I do, or is someone who could help me?

symtoms seems to disapear when I decreas inflamation but it seems like that inflamation is getting worse while time passes. Thank you so much and God Bless you!

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Hello Alfonso,

The best way is to contact Neo7Bioscience at https://www.neo7bioscience.com/contactus

Our care team will reach out to you!

Yes, AstraZeneca's vaccine is included in our work at Neo7.

I am sorry to hear of your health changes since being vaccinated.

My prayers of healing are lifted up for you!

God's blessing of healing is on you right now!


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I will present a Substack article on the Spike X Detect details. The collaboration innovation is with Neo7Bioscience, University North Texas Genomics and Bioinformatics, and participating practitioners.

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Oct 22
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People suffering from effects of the vaccine have lost their jobs and more. How can we be expected to pay $2500 for a blood test? And then what? You just tell us we have spike proteins and that's it? This doesn't seem like a true attempt to help all of us suffering out here. You reference God and faith and healing, but people can't afford that kind of money. Charging that much doesn't go with God. Extremely disappointed here.

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Excellant information! Thank you!

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Excellent news. I sure hope these tests become standard! I hope Japan can get this information as they seem to be really stepping up yo the knowledge that the vaccines are causing damage.

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Interesting about Japan… They are going to be administering Sa-mRNA COVID shots which may be even more toxic.

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Thank you. I have had long covid for 10 months. I could not find any information that explained why I have it since I NEVER TOOK THE SHOT. The fatigue is the worst. Some days I just have to sleep. I cannot think sometimes, can't remember at times, Brain fog, , balance, and memory lapses. It is so debilitating. I have been using Dr Ardis' Foreign Protein Cleanse and MicroSomal Calcium Disodium EDTA plus Chewing rugby Nicotine Gum 2mg after much research. Doctors I have seen know nothing about Long Covid. JOY

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I have fibromyalgia and ME/CFS so I also have all of your symptoms except the balance issues. My journey started in 2007 after a Chiari Malformation Decompression surgery. Glutathione IVs literally saved me for many years. It took several years of IV’s for the fatigue to improve but the fibro pain improved almost immediately. I took them quarterly for many years.

Since the COVID era began and also Dr. McCullough’s spike protein detox protocol, I’ve not only been taking the detox supplements but hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin weekly for over two years now. Though all that helped tremendously, the addition of Rapamycin in March 2023, seemed to do the trick. I have not needed a glutathione IV for more than 1-1/2 years, and I generally feel very well and energetic and never contracted Covid. Rapamycin seems to be a controversial drug with serious side effects, but that is at very High dosages. I take only 7mg per week, on the same day of the week. My introduction to Rapamycin happened when I entered my Doberman into a Rapamycin pre-clinical study that was checking the ability of Rapamycin to keep heart tissue healthy in dogs with cardiomyopathy while their Vetmedin assisted the heart’s pumping action. The study backed out of providing the participants with lifetime Rapamycin, so I purchased it from an Indian source that I trust and a manufacturer that many Rapamycin longevity patients use. I was the study for my dog since I started it 9 months before he ran out of what was provided for him by the study. He seems to be doing very well, where three dogs in his study died around 4 weeks after stopping Rapamycin.

I’m not suggesting you take Rapamycin but only relating my journey that has resulted in what I believe is remission. I also spent my share of the debilitating pain and fatigue and lived in bed for three years. I hope and pray that you continue to search for answers and eventually find your path to a solution that works for you.

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Oh, I forgot to mention a very good interview where Dr. McCullough not only confirms nicotine patches prevent the spike proteins from entering your cells, he gives suggested dosages as far as what size patch you should use. He mentions the nicotine patches near the end of the video.


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Try dr. McCullough’s protocol of bromelain turmeric and spike support from the wellness center. It worked so well for me. My legs hurt so badly until I did this.

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My friend started Dr. McCullough’s spike support a couple of months ago and likes it as well. My husband and I have been taking the three supplements, Bromelain, Curcumin. (Nano form for absorption) and Nattokinase for a couple of years so we opted to stay with our regimen. We’re not vaxxed, but I believe, as does Dr. McCullough and our local White Coat docs, Dr. Robin Armstrong, Dr. Angelina Farrella, Dr. Stella Emmanuel, and Dr. Richard Urso, that everyone is exposed to the vaXX spikes via shedding.

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I agree. When I am around crowds I can have a relapse of the leg pain and Covid like symptoms. At a recent reunion we had a woman who went to get her BOOSTER just two days before the reunion. Last count was 9 (!) of the 60 ppl there all got sick at the exact same moment with the exact same symptoms just two days after the reunion. I’m pretty sure more got sick too, but we’ll never know how many. It had to be her shedding! Nothing else makes sense.

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It sounds very much like you have mitochondrial damage. If you have spent time in close proximity with those who were injected, that too may be contributing to your symptoms. Some supplements are specific for mitochondrial support. I'm not sure if the Wellness Company has one, but I seem to recall that Dr. Lee Vliet of the Truth for Health Foundation has one for sale. It may be worth looking into.

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excuse me, how can we know if we have mitochondrial damage? what's the supplement you are talking about? thank you.

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It is a fairly easy syndrome to research. My thinking is that since the mitochondria are the power houses of our cells, that if our cells have been transfected by these genetic injections, that they would very likely affect the mitochondria negatively. My brother's best friend was a very fit & active older man, who was still doing strenuous work on his property, including getting up on his roof. He became unwell after his 2nd mRNA shot & extremely unwell after his booster. Basically, he became disabled. He could not even make it up the stairs to his bedroom & had to have a chairlift installed. He died a few months later. In any case, here is the supplement that I mentioned in my previous comment. It may be worth looking into.....https://www.truthforhealth.org/2024/02/health-tip-from-dr-vliet-trumitochondrial-boost/

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Im so sorry for your loss, about your brother's friend, that's terrible.. excuse me what's the difference between a shot and a booster, sorry English is not my first language.

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A shot is the same as an injection. A booster is also an injection. The difference is that after you have had the first two injections (shots), the 3rd injection is referred to as a booster, as it is meant to "boost" the effect of the first two injections (shots). I hope that clarifies things for you.

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thank you so much for that information, excuse me, Do you know if there is a way to buy that suplement and get it in Mexico? it seems like the website does not allow that. I Think that could help me. Thank you so much.

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This is why it is so important to distinguish between spike protein from the shots and spike protein from the infection. I have heard Dr. Ardis (I think he is a chiropractor, not an MD, not sure if he is even an ND) talk about his protocol and it sounds interesting. I am particularly interested in his claim that nicotine can cure glioblastoma and Parkinson’s Disease.

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Looks hopeful...and if successful, will foil the plans of the eugenics crowd. Thanks Doc.

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Wonderful!!! Thank you doctor for your amazing work! Even though I never took the vaccine, after getting Covid-19 for the second time, my Autoimmune disease that was controlled and I was doing very well, went completely out of control and I am struggling with the terrible pains of Rheumatoid Arthritis.

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Medical Medium diet.. to try it; Plantvaardigdokter.nl

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Humm... the site cannot be reached... could you confirm the spelling? Thank you!

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Be sure you are using a non-censoring browser.

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Thanks I’ll check it out!

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That is certainly Excellent news!! I too wonder how much the treatment would cost, how many applications it would take to rid the body of spike protein, and would the government be involved in any way...........

But I also wonder if nanotechnology will be used to neutralize the spike protein?......I would be suspicious of any nanotechnology after this whole horrid affair! And how long would the human trials last to determine if there are any long term side effects from the treatment?....And would shedding require additional treatments?......I realize it's in the research stage.....Thank You for hopefully finding a cure!!!⭐🙏

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Question re: "Precision peptides are not entirely new. They have been safely used in treatments for other severe health conditions, such as cancer, where they target and neutralize harmful proteins."

Is this not applicable to HIV?

Looking forward to hearing more on the results, applicability and accessibility.

thank you.

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Personalized/Precision peptides are engineered specifically to faulty targets and are also applicable to HIV.

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Perhaps I'm misunderstanding - Personalized/Precision peptides is as yet not marketed, correct?

Speaking from personal experience with HIV and associated medications, sometimes effective (undetectable) and sometimes not (detectable) ... heightening frustration at the Medical Industry (deeply flawed) and voiced to my Doctor (former.) Media and print material pushes the notion of undetectable as a holy grail to be sought and achieved universally. Until someone in my shoes raises objection to the propaganda feeding false hope. I was told by the former doctor "You and find another doctor" "I have patients worse off than you" and "You've ruined my day."

Hence am interested in an effective "treatment" to erradicate HIV "virus." Virus being another bag of tricks, refuting the virus/ no virus camp with personal evidence of negative impact of personal health to say what its called is of little consequence to the one attempting to live their normal, usual life.


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Are the current assays for spike protein and spike breakdown fragments available for identifying Vax injured patients?

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Proteomics and transcriptomics combined is the better methodology.

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“By utilizing high-definition RNA transcriptomics, Neo7Bioscience offers a method that can effectively detect mRNA vaccine-related spike proteins and differentiate them from those produced by COVID viral infection.” I really hope for success in this regard. Perhaps it would be important in advancing the research on shedding. If a person is found to have mRNA “vaccine”-related spike proteins but was never “vaccinated,” that would lend evidence to the possibility of shedding. All the more reason to end these gene therapies.

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Stop calling them mRNA vaccines. They are DNA based.

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Binding and Neutralizing Spikes sounds great! But can you also stop the production of Spikes at the Ribosomes??

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We bother because we care. Even I after reading 10 books critical of vaccination was fooled for about a minute as to the ferocity of this virus. The propaganda was fierce and penetrating and seemed to be beamed down from afar. It was the radio I was listening to and it took a minute to get my head straight. Many, many others were not as fortunate as myself. Propaganda is real and it works.

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i AI checked this statement: "A direct method of detection of spike proteins does not exist."

copilot thinks there are 3 methods for detecting spike ...

There are direct methods for detecting vaccine-induced spike proteins. For example:

Ultrasensitive Single-Molecule Array (Simoa) Assay: This method can detect extremely low levels of molecules in the blood and measure how these levels change over time following vaccination1.

ELISA and Lateral Flow Immunoassays: These assays use virus-specific IgM and IgG antibodies to detect viral proteins, including spike proteins2.

Nanoparticle-Imprinted Plasmonic Substrates: This technique uses laser irradiation and nanoparticle-imprinted plasmonic substrates coated with antibodies for the spike proteins3.

These methods provide specific and accurate detection of vaccine-induced spike proteins.

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These are indirect assays not direct transcription assays.

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damn AI. i was just trying to get it draw a map. total gibberish. all hat, no cowboy. definitely can't address my use cases. seems to be optimized for drawing kitties in the forest.

i apologize for the interruption.

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High performance liquid chromatography would seem like the most basic method, but someone has to upload the data for it to https://www.uniprot.org/uniprotkb?query=spike+glycoprotein+vaccine&facets=model_organism%3A9606 .

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Been waiting for this detection technology. I am forced to take Eliquis because I don't know if Spike Proteins remain in my blood or not. Would like to determine if they are in fact in my blood and then I would like to get rid of them.

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Sounds nice but after Covid I don’t trust anything anymore.

II would prefer that time and money went towards advocating governments giving us access to ivermectin everywhere!!!

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Does this protocol apply to someone who received the J&J injection since it is a different mechanism?

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